All bookings are accepted in accordance with these Conditions of Hire:
BOOKINGS The Trust may accept or refuse bookings as they think fit. All bookings shall be made through the Centre Manager, by the completion of the application form. The Centre Manager may consult with other Trustees prior to making a decision to accept or not to accept the booking. I understand I am responsible for ensuring all staff or volunteers supervising or stewarding events or activities involving children, young people or vulnerable adults, hold relevant safeguarding certificates, complying with the Trust’s Health and Safety Policy and hold appropriate Public Liability Insurance. A deposit of 50% of the total hire charge is required upon return of the booking form, either by cheque, cash or BACS, which is non-refundable if the booking is cancelled 7 days or less before the date of the booking. Full and final payment of the hiring fee is to be paid 7 days prior to the hire date. In addition to this, a cleaning/damage deposit is required. This will be refunded in full after the event or used in part or full to cover the cost of extra cleaning or damage caused. An invoice will be raised and a receipt issued, if required.
GOOD ORDER The ‘practical’ capacity of the Townley Hall is 200 persons seated (or 180 dancing), the Meeting Room 80, the Committee Room 15, and the Green Room 20. The Hirer must ensure these limits are not exceeded. The Hirer must ensure that appropriate stewarding arrangements, particularly if children are present, are in place. The Hirer is responsible for the maintenance of good order during the period booked, and for leaving the premises in a state of reasonable cleanliness. Tables should be wiped clean before being stored in the appropriate cupboard or rack, and chairs stored appropriately. Curtains should be left open, but stage curtains closed, all heating valves returned to their operating position, all lights should be checked, (especially stage lights and stage step lights) which should be turned off. Hirers should be aware that music must stop by the time indicated on the Centre Licence. Consideration must be shown to neighbours, please ensure all doors are shut after 10.00 p.m.
Please help with recycling by using the appropriately marked bin for disposal of any rubbish. Please do not use the bin marked Fulbourn Institute Sports and Social Club. The person or organisation in whose name the premises are booked will be responsible for the cost of making good any damage caused to the building, furniture, or equipment of any kind. The Trust cannot accept responsibility for the loss of or damage to any property brought onto the premises by the Hirer.
FOOD/KITCHEN It is the Hirer’s responsibility to ensure the handling of food is in accordance with current health and safety regulations and the Trust accepts no liability for any problems arising from the consumption of food within the Centre. The kitchen should be left clean, all surfaces wiped and washing and drying up completed, dishwasher emptied. All users should provide their own tea towels.
We do not permit the consumption of food and drink (except water in a plastic container) in the Sports Hall. The Hirer should note that the Kitchen is a shared facility available to users of other rooms within the premises and as such, exclusive use cannot be guaranteed.
FIRE PRECAUTIONS are to be observed in accordance with the requirements of the Fire and Rescue Services and these relate to Fire Extinguishers, Exit signs, Seating, keeping passageways and exit doors clear. Pressure cylinders and special effects equipment may not be used in the centre under any circumstances, this includes special ‘smoke’ type effects used by discos, bands, theatrical groups. Promoters of stage shows are responsible for complying with the Fire and Rescue Service requirements including audience safety and seating. No smoking is permitted anywhere inside the building, including the use of 'E' cigarettes.
IN CASE OF EMERGENCY The Hirer should familiarise themselves with the Safety Exits before the hiring commences. The hirer shall report any injury or accident to the Centre Manager as soon as is practical. Emergency contact telephone numbers can be found near the Centre Office, on the wall above the alarm panel.
Please note that where alcohol is to be consumed then the hirer should discuss their requirements with the Fulbourn Institute Sports and Social Club (07874 242531) who are responsible for the Centre alcohol licence. The Hirer is responsible for ensuring no alcohol is sold to persons less than 18 years of age.
We do not permit users to provide their own alcoholic drinks.
The Fulbourn Centre is owned and managed by the Townley Memorial Hall Trust which is a Charity (No.1100947) and a Company limited by Guarantee (No.4735777).
The Fulbourn Centre